Monday, 23 June 2014

the risk of deport to Iran

for normal political case or any other case! (whom refused in UK)
The Iranian authorities take such cases very seriously because whoever travels without a passport arouses suspicion of having joined an opposition group and must be interviewed over how, when, which border, which city, which country and who support them to travel to Europe and why they chose to go to UK; did they train in spying for the UK, and with checks run on their background and previous records.

I know one of my friends was in the UK as an asylum seeker and in early 2006 he returned to Iran voluntarily with a sum of £3500 from the UK government to start a job in Iran. For the first six months he was at ease and no one asked him any questions till he tried open his own takeaway business but then he could not get planning permission from the government, and again he tried to become a taxi driver, but the government would not give him a taxi licence even though he passed the exam. He was not able to apply for an Iranian passport for seven years. This person was not politically active with any group and he had never been arrested in Iran before he left Iran.