Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Recommendations on the Death Penalty

Iran UPR: Recommendations on the Death Penalty Might Have Higher Impact This Time

 On October 8, 2014,  Iran Human Rights (IHR) presented a statement on behalf of the World Coalition against the Death Penalty (WCADP) at the UPR pre-session organized by UPR Info in Geneva. IHR was one of the six NGOs selected to present at the UPR pre-session. The other NGOs were International Federations for the Human Rights (FIDH), Justice for Iran (JFI), Baha’i International Community (BIC), International Campaign for the Human Rights in Iran (ICHRI) and Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC). Representatives for several countries and NGOs were present at the pre-session. 
UPR Info Pre-Session in Geneva- Photo by JFI
UPR Info Pre-Session in Geneva- Photo by JFI
Iran Human Rights, October 12, 2014: The pre-session was held about 3 weeks ahead of Iran’s second Universal Periodic Review (UPR) scheduled to take place on October 31. The UPR is a mechanism of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC) that  periodically examines the human rights performance of all 193 UN Member States. It is intended to complement, not duplicate, the work of other human rights mechanisms, including the UN human rights treaty bodies. This is the first international human rights mechanism to address all countries and all human rights.

At its last Universal Periodic Review by the UN Human Rights Council in 2010, Iran received 29 recommendations on the death penalty from 23 different states; it accepted only three. Moreover, the recommendations on the death penalty represented 23 percent of those made to Iran – a number only surpassed by recommendations made regarding cooperation with international instruments and the elimination of torture and other forms of ill treatment.
Right to left: Dr. Karim Lahidji (FIDH), Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam (IHR, WCADP) and Omid Memarian (ICHRI)
Left to right: Dr. Karim Lahidji (FIDH), Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam (IHR and WCADP) and Omid Memarian (ICHRI)- Photo by: JFI

In the statement the IHR spokesperson Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam emphasized that due to establishment of abolitionist campaigns and increasing discourse on the death penalty within the Iranian society, recommendations  this time might have a greater impact. The statement included recommendations on all aspects of the death penalty, in particular several specific recommendations about public executions, death sentence for drug-related charges and death penalty to the juvenile offenders.