Wednesday, 10 July 2013

70 Executions in Less Than Three Weeks

Three Prisoners Executed in North-Western Iran- More Than 70 Executions in Less Than Three Weeks

Tuesday 9 July 2013
[English] [فارسى]

Iran Human Rights, July 9: Three prisoners were hanged in the prison of Ardebil (northwestern Iran) early Tuesday morning July 9. Six other prisoners have been executed in the prison of Ardebil in the last four days.
According to the official website of the Iranian Judiciary in Ardebil, two of the prisoners who were executed today were born in 1953 and 1956 and were convicted of participation in selling and trafficking of 943 grams of heroin. The thrid prisoner who was born in 1986 was convicted of possession and trafficking of 997 grams of heroin said the report. None of the prisoners were identified by name.
Since the Presidential elections in mid-June more than 70 people have been executed in different Iranian cities.

Three New Executions in North

Three New Executions in North-Western Iran Today

Monday 8 July 2013
[English] [فارسى] [français]

Iran Human Rights, July 8: Three prisoners were hanged in the prison of Ardebil (northwestern Iran) early this morning.
According to the official site of the Iranian Judiciary in Ardebil, three prisoners convicted of drug related charges were hanged in the prison of Ardebil. Three other prisoners were hanged in the same prison on July 6Announcing the news about today’s executions, head of the Judiciary in Ardebil said that more executions are expected in the coming days in Ardebil.
The three prisoners who were executed today were not identified by name. One of them was born in 1978 who along with another person was convicted of possession of 1500 grams of methamphetamine. The third prisoner was born in 1980 and convicted of possession of 964 grams of methamphetamine, said the report.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Five Prisoners Were Hanged in Iran Today

Five Prisoners Were Hanged in Iran Today- More Than 60 Executions in 3 Weeks

Sunday 7 July 2013
[English] [فارسى] [français]

Iran Human Rights, July 7: Five prisoners were hanged in the prison of Qazvin (west of Tehran) early this morning July 7, reported the official Iranian media.
According to the state run Iranian news agency Fars, two of the prisoners were identified as "M. S." and "Habib" and were convicted of murder. The other three prisoners were identified as "R. Kh." convicted of possession of 390 grams of crack, "N. H." for possession of 990 grams of crack, and "A. Gh." for possession of 976 grams of crack, said the report.
At least 65 people have been executed in the first three weeks after the presidential elections in Iran.

Three Official and 11 Unofficial Executions in Iran Today

The Execution Wave Continues: Three Official and 11 Unofficial Executions in Iran Today

Saturday 6 July 2013
[English] [فارسى] [français]

Iran Human Rights, July 6: At least 14 prisoners have been executed according to official and unofficial reports from Iran today. Seven other prisoners were scheduled to be executed today according to unconfirmed reports.
According to official and unofficial reports at least 60 prisoners have been executed after the Presidential elections in Iran.
Three prisoners were executed in northwestern Iran today:
According to the official Iranian broadcasting three prisoners were hanged in the prison of Ardebil today. Two of the prisoners were brothers and were convicted of participation in trafficking of 4535 grams of heroin, while the third prisoner was convicted of possession of 3 kilos and 10 grams of crack, said the report. None of the prisoners were identified by name.
11 prisoners were hanged in southeastern Iran, according to unofficial sources:
According to "Human rights and democracy activists in Iran" (HRDAI) 11 prisoners, five of them women, were hanged in the prison of Zahedan this morning.
Four of the prisoners were identified as Rasoul Khorouj, Vahid Rigi, Hamid Najafi and Naser Naghaei said the report.
These executions have not been announced by the official Iranian sources.
According to unconfirmed reports seven prisoners were scheduled to be executed in the northern city of Rasht. The reports are not confirmed yet.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Six Prisoners Were Hanged in South-Eastern Iran

Six Prisoners Were Hanged in South-Eastern Iran This Morning- 49 Executions Since the Presidential Elecions

Thursday 4 July 2013
[English] [فارسى]

Iran Human Rights, July 4: Six prisoners were hanged in the prison of Bam (Kerman Province, Southeastern Iran), reported the Iranian state media today.
According to the state run Iranian news agency Fars six prisoners who were not identified by name, were hanged in the prison of Bam early this morning Thursday July 4.
The prisoners were allegedly convicted of trafficking 339 kilograms of heroin and 191 kilograms of opium said the report.
Yesterday Iran Human Rights (IHR) reported about execution of 25 prisoners in the prisons of Ghezelhesar and Rajai Shahr (both in Karaj, west of Tehran).
According to the official and unofficial reports at least 41 prisoners have been executed since the Presidential elections in mid-June in Iran. 19 of the executions have been reported by official Iranian sources.